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2023 OSU NASA Powwow Head Staff

Jasmine Phetsacksith, Head Lady

Jasmine Phetsacksith is a proud member of the Osage Nation and OSU alumni. She currently resides in Oklahoma City, where she works as a Credit Analyst.

 Caleb Garcia, Head Man

Caleb is a member of the Wyandotte Nation and a recent Alumni of Oklahoma State University. He thanks you for joining him during this year's dance and wishes safe travels home for everyone.

Will Kemble, Head Singer

While also being a participant in the Native American Church all my life, I’ve danced in the powwow arena since I was 8 years old and have been singing at the “big drum” since I was 10 years old. I’m an OSU Alumnus with my Master’s degree from the graduating class of Fall 2006. My first time ever as head singer was at OSU’s 2006 fall powwow. While being head singer again at OSU’s 2015 fall powwow, I proposed to my wife in the dance arena. She said “yes.” I guess you could say that I have some significant history with Oklahoma State University.

Mark Wilson, Arena Director

Mark Wilson, member of the Cherokee Nation, resides in Prattville, OK with his wife Alison Anthony, a proud OSU Alumnus. They have 5 adult children and 4 grandchildren. Mark, who retired from the OU School of Community Medicine, OUHSC, stays busy with family and grandkids. He is a member of Sizzortail, a Champion Southern Drum Group from Shawnee, OK. He enjoys singing at the drum, and has served on Head Staff at numerous pow-wows all across Indian Country as MC, Arena Director, Head Gourd Dancer & Host Drum. He is honored to be on Head Staff at this year’s OSU Pow-Wow. Go Pokes!  

Archie Mason, Master of Ceremonies

Archie Mason is Osage and Cherokee, a retired educator, a retired tribal government official, a father, grandfather, and great grandfather residing in Pawhuska, OK. His culture center is Gray Horse. He respects and enjoys all his Native peoples and their beautiful ceremonies, cultures, and values.

Comanche Little Ponies, Gourd Clan

The Comanche Little Ponies are based in Lawton, OK.  We are one of the oldest societies amongst the Comanche People.  We are honored to serve on head staff for this year's Oklahoma State University Contest Powwow.

Lenape Color, Honor Guard

Veterans still honoring our flag, military branches and veterans since 2004.

Cynthia Butler, Kitchen Lead

Cynthia Butler lives in Pawnee with her son Aiden Cozad, is a recent graduate of OSU, and is serving her second term on the Pawnee Nation Business Council.  She participates in cultural and ceremonial events and has cooked many years for the OSU Powwow and for events around the community and state.

2023-2024 OSU NASA Executive Officers

Chenoa Turtle, President

Chenoa is Cherokee citizen and an OSU Senior pursuing a double-degree in Biology (Pre-Med) and Physiology.

Josiah Kernell, Treasurer

Josiah is a Seminole citizen and an OSU Senior majoring in Mechanical Engineering.

Luke Two Crow, Secretary

Luke is a Three Affiliated Tribes citizen and an OSU Senior majoring in Political Science.

Kinsee Burkett, Publicity Chair

Kinsee is a Cherokee citizen and an OSU Sophomore majoring in Human Development & Family Sciences.

Toby Martin, Involvement Chair

Toby is an Osage Citizen and an OSU Senior majoring in Wildlife Ecology & Management.

Lauren Branham, Miss American Indian OSU

Lauren is a Mvskoke/Yuchi citizen majoring in Natural Resource Ecology and Management.

Dawna Riding In Hare, Co-Advisor

Dawna, a citizen of the Pawnee Nation, instructs the American Indian Sovereignty and the Intro to American Indian Studies courses at OSU and serves on the Pawnee Business Council.

Sky Rogers, Co-Advisor

Sky, a citizen of the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, is the Assistant Director for the OSU Center for Sovereign Nations.